Illegal border crossings along the U.S. – Mexico border in the month of May has dropped by more than 50%, this is in stark contrast to the record highs reported in December and also the consistent level of highs since the pandemic.
During the first 21 days of May, U.S. Border Patrol agents only recorded a daily average of ~3700 capture of migrants between official ports of entry. The average in December was a shocking 8,000. It has been 3 months where we have seen month to month drops to this number.
A point of note is that the number of migrants being apprehended does not include official border crossings who are processed. The Biden administration roughly admits 1,500 asylum seekers daily.
These numbers of migration are still higher than before the pandemic hit, but the drop in this amount is something that is unexpected. Senior U.S. officials are saying that this level of unexpected crossings could be in part attributed to an aggressive crackdown by the Mexican government.
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