Daily Immigration News – Yasrebi Law

The U.S. Department of Justice has filed a lawsuit against the state of Iowa and Oklahoma this month in order to prevent them from implementing new state laws regarding immigrants. The Biden Administration has already filed an additional lawsuit against the state of Texas for unconstitutional immigration law earlier this year.

Trump’s Campaign on Illegal Immigration

Illegal Immigration the big talking point for the upcoming election. Donald Trump’s campaign seems to want to make the centerpiece of his campaign about the rampant illegal immigration.

The former president had success with using immigration as the main point of his campaign in 2016 and wishes to capitalize on it once again in this election.

Illegal border crossings along the U.S

Illegal border crossings along the U.S. – Mexico border in the month of May has dropped by more than 50%, this is in stark contrast to the record highs reported in December and also the consistent level of highs since the pandemic.

During the first 21 days of May, U.S. Border Patrol agents only recorded a daily average of ~3700 capture of migrants between official ports of entry.

Daily Immigration News – Yasrebi Law

A federal judge in Florida has temporarily blocked a part of a controversial state law targeting the transportation of migrants. This comes as the Biden administration was preparing for the end of the Title 42 public health order. The provision targeted by the judge had been designed to block DHS from preempting state authority—specifically, to avoid what the state fears would make the situation worse, both by relieving the burden of costs and social problems.

Daily Immigration News – Yasrebi Law

For tackling the current situation happening on the southern borders of America, the bipartisan border security bill that had previously been dropped by the Senate Democrats has been brought up. This statute contains clauses that seek to increase the quantity of family oriented and occupation-directed immigration permits, permit spouses of American nationals awaiting visas to perform legally paid jobs as well as guarantee legal representation for minors who are refugees during deportation cases.

Employer Worries About The Immigration Election

Trump is promising to deport millions, which could cause issues to employers. Employers have for a long time tried to fill their labor needs through immigration reforms, but Congress remains in a deadlock on this issue.

The American Business Immigration Coalition joined by many employers, federal lawmakers, local official and advocates, are requesting Joe Biden to provide more work permits to long-term undocumented residents.

Daily Immigration News – Yasrebi Law

In an attempt to win backing from Republicans, Senate Democrats have again proposed a bipartisan bill concerning border security. The bill features clauses allowing the inclusion of several thousand visas for relatives or workers, freedom to work for spouses awaiting a green card who are married to U.S. citizens, and a right to have a lawyer when minor migrants are deported.

Oklahoma Lawsuit by the DOJ

The U.S. Department of Justice(DOJ) has sued Oklahoma on Tuesday. This is hoping to block a law that is seeming to impose criminal penalties on people living in the states illegally.

The lawsuit in federal court is challenging a law that makes it a state crime which will be punishable by two years in prison to live in Oklahoma without proper legal immigration status.

Daily Immigration News – Yasrebi Law

Silky Shah's Unbuild Walls: Why Immigrant Justice Needs Abolition is a powerful, critical look into the U.S. immigration system—one with deep, explicit ties to the prison-industrial complex. Shah argues that in the past four decades, immigration enforcement and mass incarceration have coiled together into systems of repression.