Immigration Impact

In a recent article by Immigration Impact, it said that though the government was not properly prepared to track the separations of migrant families they still went ahead with making these separations happen.

This idea first came to light when the Trump Administration said they would implement the Zero Tolerance Policy for any immigrant individual that would cross the border illegally, these individuals would then be prosecuted and charged with unlawful entry to the United states.

Trump Administration Begins Sending Asylum Seeker to Guatemala

In recent news, in an article titled, Trump Administration Begins Sending Asylum Seeker to Guatemala, this past Tuesday under a new rule the U.S. has decided to send back asylum seekers from Honduras and El Salvador back to Guatemala. Unbelievably the U.S government has come to an agreement to send asylum seekers without their consent back to Guatemala when arriving to the U.S borders without a visa or permission of entry.