President Joe Biden is gearing up for an October debate against his predecessor, former President Donald Trump. While it will be big, at least five major issues are likely to define the 2024 presidential race. Biden touts successes, which include economic recovery and legislative successes, alongside taking on some of the most immense domestic and foreign policy challenges, central to which is immigration.
Biden-Trump Debate
Border Crossings and Biden’s Policy
According to a Politico article, the Biden administration has seen a remarkable decline in illegal border crossing numbers at the U.S.-Mexico border, credited to his new asylum policy. That very policy had been blocked recently by the U.S. District Judge Jon Tigar ruled that it was "arbitrary and capricious.
Progressives and Immigration
One complicated issue tells you a lot about the debate inside the progressive wing of the Democratic Party on the source of migration and whether current immigration policy works. Progressive lawmakers say doing more both to reduce violence, economic instability, and political corruption at home will help people not have to leave their countries in such large numbers.
Where Migrants Live
An interactive feature from The Washington Post maps out where migrants live across the United States, highlighting key trends and demographic shifts. Data show that while immigrants are very highly concentrated within traditional urban centers, they increasingly reside in smaller towns and rural areas—trends representing more fundamental changes in migration patterns.
Heartland Needs Immigrants
A mayor from each of the five states in America's heartland is making a case for more immigrants in their respective cities to boost their economies and low supplies of labor. They explain that immigrants fill important skill gaps by bringing in fresh talent, which was missing in the local population, to boost the economy as they are engaged in diverse business activities.
Border Crossings Drop
The Biden administration has changed enough policies in its recent tenure that include strategic closures of the border and revised asylum procedures, bringing down illegal border crossings drastically. That is just some of what went into having control over the surge of migrants and dealing with intricate humanitarian and political issues at the southern border.
Jacumba Border Patrol
The Jacumba Hot Springs, California, portion of the US-Mexico border has become a gateway for migrants crossing from countries as diverse as Colombia and Jordan, among others. Families, many with small children, are relegated to difficult conditions while they wait to be processed by the Border Patrol.
Immigration helping job growth
Immigrants have, for so long, been the underestimated but crucial component of the human side of the U.S. economy—one that exudes an honing effect on the growth of jobs and economic stability. Recent studies conducted by CNBC clearly highlight the contributions made by immigrants to the economy through their deleterious role in such sectors as technology, healthcare, agriculture, and construction.
Spouse Immigration Reform
President Joe Biden is considering major immigration reform that would grant legal status to undocumented immigrants who are married to U.S. citizens. The step, intended for solving the legal limbo in which these people find themselves, might turn into an electively useful move to raise the liberal base and fix some of the problems that have been in the U.S. immigration system for a very long time.
DACA and it’s struggles
The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which has provided temporary relief from deportation and work permits to nearly 800,000 undocumented immigrants brought to the U.S. as children, is facing a critical juncture. As DACA turns 11 years old, more Dreamers are confronting an uncertain future due to ongoing legal battles and political opposition.