Daily Immigration News – Yasrebi Law

According to a new survey by The Harris Poll, Half of Americans (up to 42% of Democrats) support mass deportations of undocumented and illegal immigrants. Americans are starting to align with former President Donald Trump’s immigration plans due to a record surge of illegal border crossings.
Thus, President Joe Biden is being blamed for the crisis, public outrage say that he has failed to handle the immigration problems within the US. With the coming up re-election, President Biden sought to change the crisis that would threaten his position, shifting the blame onto former President Trump and accusing him of “sabotaging Congress’ most conservative bipartisan immigration bill in decades”.
Trump’s campaign has vowed to deliver “the largest domestic deportation operation in American history” that would target millions of undocumented immigrations and illegal aliens. Americans still support immigration as long as it is lawful, on the other hand “illegal” immigration is what Americans fears.
Many Americans expressing their greatest concern around illegal immigration as:

  1. Increased crime rates, drugs, and violence (21%)
  2. The additional costs to taxpayers (18%)
  3. Risk of terrorism and national security (17%)

With nearly two thirds of Americans voicing their opinions, believing that illegal immigration is a real crisis and not just a politically driven media narrative. The Biden administration needs to act fast in order to regain the support of the people for the 2024 election.

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