USCIS has started new changes

USCIS has started new changes that exclude duplicate applications of the same worker under H-1B petition. This does not apply for a new employee asking for H-1B transfer, and if the worker did not work for that employer in the previous fiscal year. This change did have a big impact as duplicate applications fell by 88%. The total number of registrations also fell by 38%. This decline is understandable as it is because these new rules no longer prioritize the number of applications submitted but rather focus on each individual applicant.

These new rules were finalized in January based lottery selections on each individual beneficiary, rather than the number of registrations submitted on behalf of them.

This revamped process should offer hope to people who could not get in before because of so many duplicate applications. This process allows people who do not have the resources of big companies that can send multiple applications to be able to have a fair shot in the H-1B visa process.

USCIS is taking positive steps into making the immigration process more efficient, smoother and just overall better. With the new offices in Turkey and Qatar and the implementation of this should help people have a more fair process into getting into the U.S. in hopes of starting a life here and becoming a citizen.

-Yasir Farhad

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