Immigration Election

Immigration is the top concern for American voters. The election being in November means there is less than 6 months for the election, and the Americans people’s main concern is immigration. This is all according to the latest Gallup poll.

“It has never happened in the history of Gallup that immigration is the main issue driving people to the polls for multiple months in a row. The second issue, the economy, isn’t even close. This is very much an immigration election, and the stakes could not be higher,” said executive director of the American Immigration Council, Jeremy Robbins.

Around half of Republicans polled that they are more concerned about immigration than they are of the economy, in comparison Democrats were only at 8%.

A poll down by Pew Research in March shows that 75% of Hispanics in the United States describe the recent amounts of migrants at the border as a “major problem” or something like a “crisis.

It seems like this election will be mostly based around issues of immigration as most of the United States seem to be worried about immigration. So, for this future election make sure you keep an eye out in the immigration policies proposed.

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